Friday, June 24, 2016

STOP the time she's leaving here..

as a rule.. she must not think for nothing about

simply... easily.. hopelessly... with her whole being... she looked at the sparkling river, which  kept a silent... the toes of her feet just felt a wetness... it seemed that her body  had accepted the verdict of reckless people... twitched with lump.. "would it hurt?"... hears voice near her ears.. she is just a 9 years old....
"I'm a child and plz forgive me everything...
      I spent last night at the bell tower...
            I had ma hands outstretched to the sky..
                 I'm a child but became like a tramp...
 I'm a child and all those wishes plz help that they come true...
       plzz take those blue horses far away from me...
             I beseech u plzz endure all grievances...
                   I'm a child but can not feel it...
                        plzz show me ghost of immortality...

 It's have been a long time I stretched out  ma hands for it.."

only fighting with her subconscious... her mind is elsewhere....
Lump thinking about everything and in the end there is nothing to think about ..

Hard to find ...
"What about do they.. kids... think at front of suicide....?!"
I do not know..
who knows..

the little girl who was just asked questions to herself  ... but had not none of these answers of  her questions..

only thing she knew was that she wanted cry .. somehow.. with no reason.. just came over.. wanted it by heart.. she felt that at this moment flows a tears.. the tears of sea .. 
she tries to kept them whithin  ...   her face was rolling  thousand ways...

she only felt the coldness.. 
the coldness that much.. that few moments and she felt she would be frozen...

 she is so empty... full emptiness...
"why I must stay.. or what for?"

she felt all this but could not think about...
just was standing and waited the verdict of silence...

" might be  somebody pushes me?"

A light of  breeze ... which she wanted to become like a storm ...
lump it trembled...


goose bumped in her body.... But not even knew what that feeling was called ..
She did not knew why it became colder...  what sense was this ..?! 
fear ..... fear .... which trembled her whole body.. and spread throughout the body.. even not spread.. just walked in..  passed beside her ... 

It was not enough....

at this time seemed like her mind was distributing her ... not for help... not because to live for that moment which she called misery... NO! her mind not left her any seconds... tried that her fear  must excepted the  judgment of death, which moved her to his side..  tried to show her innocent heart that at forward was just the darkness... and this for better or worse will happen sooner or later anyway ...

he needs an accomplice ...
the girl was looking like she wanted to imagine how would it happen and how painful it would be.... she was a child... just angel one... 
the angel which has no wings on her shoulders.....

even the tears became so heavier... they dropped like a crystals and divided river's killer graze... which had strong desire to devour her life... in spite  it he could kept ordinary life living without her life ...

how deeply I wanna to hug u and say that u re the most amazing creation which created by God... the angel, which left with this pain.. yea... they left ... What should be done to the impotent creatures like you wished one more time to come back to this grim reality .... how it possible that 
such a vast space .. in this world .... you could not found your place .. 
how ... 9-year-old angel think about death .. think that this is the solution... how can u... the child think about

now u re thinking about pain... u wanna that time has stopped... to get warmth.. to disappear this second and not feel this coldness anymore ...

I wanna being with ur side and take ur hand... hug u as stronger how it could be possible and just say that I love u more then everything like infinitely... u re just everything for me.. I'm with u!! I'll never let u leave..!

I know u re a lot... I can share ma love for every single of u... plzz just trust.. don't do it! stay with me...

u must find me...
we are a lot as well...

we all must find each other ..!!
she lost her mind.... and 

can't remember nothing until her new  breath...


Tatarishvili Natia

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